Normally I love Fall but this year, because we have had such a hot and dry Summer, I am trying to put it off as long as possible. However, as much as I hate to see these beautiful long Summer days come to an end, I know that Fall brings more structure to my life. It is a real opportunity for me to focus on some much needed self care too. In the Summer I tend to let things slide a bit... workout and play when and where I can... eat less structured meals... indulge in sweets a bit too much. This year I even discovered ice cream!
I have been giving all of this some thought over the past week because I need to find a way to make the transition from Summer to Fall... it is a bit overwhelming but I know if I have a plan in place I can handle it. I still want to do all the Summer things but I want to do all the Fall things, too. So, I have to put on my seldom-worn
patience hat and do a gentle easement into Fall. I have realized I can have a foot in both seasons to a certain extent. I can't do it all... but I can do some.
Even though I am not ready to give up all of my Summer activities there are a few things on my September to-do list that will help me with the transition:
- Continue to run on only on Sunday mornings
- Get into the fitness room on Monday and Wednesday mornings for a strength/conditioning workout followed by an outdoor walk 20 - 30 minutes
- Continue to play tennis on Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Schedule a fun but movement-intensive activity for Fridays... this week I plan to spend the day at a PGA golf tournament that is going to be held at a local golf course so I will be on my feet about 8 hours wandering the golf course to spectate the event. Fridays may also find me golfing or hiking or picking berries... that kind of thing.
- I want to concentrate on fuelling my activities with whole real foods as I know I feel better when I do
- I have a plan to follow that will allow me to create tasty and healthy meals and snacks that also allows for the occasional indulges so I do not feel deprived or over-restricted
- I am going to use a journal with colored pens as well as My Fitness Pal app to keep track of my food intake
- I have joined a couple of online challenge groups to give me some extra help and incentives... one concentrates on increasing NEAT (you know non-exercise movement) as I do tend to sit a lot ... and the other is a short Fall Kickstart Challenge sponsored by Ariana Fotinakis who blogs at Evolution by Ariana that will inspire/require some introspection along with daily movement and offers support in her FB group. I have done her challenges in the past and always get something valuable from them.
- I need to take care of some personal/physical details too... hair color, manicure, pedicure, facial... fun things so these will be easy, just need to take the time to do them!
What are you looking forward to in September? Do you hate to see Summer come to and end or do you like Fall?