Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Check-In

The third week of my personal Fall Fresh Start Challenge started out with such promise...

  • worked the Goodlife Fitness Victoria Marathon at an aid station - set up for an hour and then picked up discarded paper cups for 2 hours
  • walk 2 X 40 minutes each
  • 6 km run and 15minute stretch
  • walk 90 minutes
  • The Firm kettebell workout 40 minutes
  • 5 km run and 15 minute stretch
  • Reebok kettlebell DVD - beginner/intermediate 30 minutes

and since?

I have been pretty much on my duff trying to figure out how to change a couple of the features on my social media blogger buttons... arghh!

But it's Sunday... it's a new week... and I am staying focussed.

It is pouring rain right now and may be off and on during the upcoming week... Fall has arrived in the Pacific Northwest!

So I won't beat myself up this week if I opt to do indoor cardio workouts instead of outdoor running, and I plan to get in those 3 strength/core workouts too.

Do you ever get lost inside your computer for hours on end?


  1. You still sound like you're getting a good variety of exercise in! I'm trying but slightly failing (work and dodgy shoulder are hindering!) Good work :)

  2. "Do you ever get lost inside your computer for hours on end?" -- YES! It is absolutely ridiculous! I wish I got paid for it -- but I don't! Oh well:)

    Aren't you loving this Fall weather in the PNW?! I could do with out the rain, but I also love it. I will most likely be doing my workouts indoors as well. But that's okay -- as long as we're staying active!!

  3. Great job with the training this week. I think I would get lost in my computer more if my kids didn't pull me back to reality all the time :)

  4. Is there anyone who doesn't get lost on their computer for hours? I swear there was a Sunday hiding around here somewhere... ;)
    It happens to all of us.

  5. I swear the computer can suck away so many hours. I was updating my blog roll and I think it took a whole day.

    Have a great week!

  6. That sounds like you did great on your training to me! Last week, I went for a couple of walks, but I only ran twice! I totally get stuck on the computer. I try to get some of my computing done in the morning, when I have a time limit because I have to go to work. The problem is night time for me. After a run and dinner, I get on and then I am up at 11 like a crack head, checking this and that! I need to set myself better boundries!

  7. Excellent week of training! I often get distracted by the wormhole of the internets.

  8. Looks like you are doing great to me:) Yes, time flies when I'm on my computer, especially when trying to figure something out for my blog. Hours fly by like minutes:)


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