Monday, January 6, 2014

Food as Fuel, My January Focus

During the month of January I am zeroing in on food.

Actually I am pretty much always focused on food.  I love to cook and I love to eat… too much sometimes!  However, I have decided that I would be treating myself - my body and my spirit - much better if I concentrate on food as fuel.  In the past, I have fueled myself, of course, but I have also used food as a soother, as entertainment, and as a time filler.  I am really making an effort to start starting some better habits, and taking this month to make that my primary focus.

I have started another Whole 30 Paleo Challenge, and I am working it within the guidelines of the new Weight Watchers Simple Start program, in order to keep tabs on the amount of nuts, nut butters, nut milks, and dried fruit I am eating.  And I am also watching my macro nutrient percentages, thanks to Tom Venuto's new book, Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle. Whew!

And then, just to give it all an exclamation point, I have started Laura’s Winter Reset today as well.  It is going to compliment my efforts quite nicely… with one teeny tiny little hitch.

For the first 3 days (at least – preferably up to 7) Laura is asking that we give up meat.  I am already not eating legumes or dairy products or corn or any grains, or protein powders or bars, this month at all, so I have been wondering where I am going to get my protein from for these 3 days. I am a meat eater but am really going to give it up for 3 days, and I am assuming that means fish as well.

The first things that came to mind were eggs and egg whites.  And I have looked up the food values of several of my favorite veggies and see that they all have at least a bit of protein.  And of course the few nuts I will have do contain protein as well.  Then I remembered a go-to source of almost pure protein that I have on hand… ENERGYbits.  Pure spirulina algae. 

Jan 6 ENERGYbits heart 001

I have been taking bits before I do my strength workouts and I love them.

Oh, and I almost forgot... nutritional yeast. Will be making up a new recipe tonight with some butternut squash for my zoodles.

So, add at least 64 ounces of pure water to all the whole, real food I am eating, and keeping my good intentions in mind, how can I not be off to a great start on my January goal of setting some good ‘food as fuel’ habits?

When I eat whole, nutrient-dense, REAL foods, I am satisfied and don’t feel the need for sugary treats or between meal snacks.  I am happy with a cup of tea or coffee while reading or watching tv in the evening and don't need to keep grazing.

How about you? How healthy is your relationship with the food you eat?


  1. Wow! You have a very detailed approach to what you eat. I'm impressed. I am reminding myself what "healthy" food looks and tastes like - we have been eating out and indulging ourselves with little treats for a while now and it's got a bit out of control. We very glad that I wasn't desperate for snacks at work today (my first day back after Christmas) so I guess I'm doing something right... I do love food though :)

  2. My relationship with chocolate has become a bit too cozy over this winter break. I need to reel that in. Now that I'm officially training for something, my goal is to use food as fuel as well.

  3. Over the holidays, my consumption of sweets definitely was way too much. Now that I'm back in regular mode my eating is back to normal. Less processed more whole. My coworkers laugh at me when it's 10:30 in the morning and I'm eating roasted Brussels sprouts. They are good anytime of the day in my mind!

  4. Since beginning on my healthy living journey, my relationship with food has changed. I see and understand food in a way now that nourishes my being, both inside and out :)

  5. mmm i love nutritional yeast! i love sprinkling it on my eggs, veggies, and using it in salads and sandwiches!

  6. Always let food be your fuel....and enjoy it:)

  7. Looks like you are really focused. Great job. I love having a cup of tea at night - it's got a ritual comfort to it and it is very satisfying.

  8. I definitely eat a lot of food, but it's all very healthy - and it keeps me healthy and happy- seriously, all the fish I eat, keeps me nice and happy thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids! ha ah.

  9. Good idea with the bits! My sister takes lots of spirulina when she's juice fasting for the same reason. I have a very all or nothing attitude with food. I know for sure it would be better to be moderate, but if I eat one cookie, I'm eating the whole box. So it's easier for me to just cut out sugar than it is to cut back on sugar. I'm not very good at following specific plans, but I like guidelines that give me ideas on how to give my body more energy. And hopefully the eggs work for you too. I am an egg addict! We go through about 3-4 dozen a week!

  10. I hope you like this Elle!!! I am good with my eats thankfully so I don't have to do the above! ;)


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