Monday, December 1, 2014

5 Tips to Keeping Up With Your Fitness During the Holidays

This time of year can be overwhelming.  Let’s face it… all of a sudden it’s December 1st and if you have any special celebrations or festivals this month… Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa and so on… it all comes upon you very quickly.  The thought of organizing special meals, buying gifts, attending parties, and work or school functions can sometimes take precedence over self care and exercise routines. 

How to manage it all?  Take a deep breath and and think about it….

5 Tips

1.  Schedule your workouts into your calendar along with your dates and parties.  You are less likely to schedule other activities in that same time slot.  And, if you see it written down you are more likely to actually do it because you have made time for it.

2. Get rid of that ‘all or nothing’ attitude.  One or two shorter strength workouts is ulitmately better that just abandoning them altogether.  Be content with shorter runs.

3. Add some exercise to your holiday activities.  Instead of driving around to look at Christmas lights in your area, get your family into their coats and boots and mittens, and explore on foot.  It is a great, fun way to spend some time together.

4.  Simplify your routine.  Instead of doing 8 exercises, just do 3 – perhaps pushups, squats, and plank holds. These work the biggest muscles and can be done in a shorter amount of time.

5. Join an online fitness challenge. There are many of them going around right now.  I signed up for fitknitchick’s Re-Boot Bootcamp this year and am looking forward to the accountability and ‘underwhelming’ workouts that Tamara has promised.

How do you stay active and keep up with your fitness routines during this busy season?


  1. couldn't agree more about the all or nothing, sometimes shoveling or just getting out for a walk is enough for the day!

  2. I'm really tempted to do the online challenge this year. I feel like I'm going to need the extra motivation!

  3. As I add snowboarding in as a regular activity again, I try hard to plan my workouts down to the day at the beginning of the week - so I don't overschedule myself. :)

  4. I have to schedule my workouts like appts so I know I will always do them. I've entered a few challenges this month too-everything helps

  5. Working on 1 and doing a 5 right now! Great tips.

  6. I'm all for scheduling. I like to do my workouts first thing so life is less likely to get in the way. I also need to plan exactly what I'll do so I don't waste time.

  7. First day of December and I am already slacking behind. I cleaned all day so I could put Christmas decorations up and time just got away from me! That's my excuse.

  8. The idea of adding exercise to your holiday activities is great. I love the idea of a walking tour of Christmas lights!

  9. To stay on top of my fitness activities... I make a plan... and do my best to STICK TO THE PLAN> :)

  10. Yep, I do pretty much all of the above. If I don't schedule things (and write things down), they just don't happen...

  11. I completely agree with the all or nothing. In fact, today I hit snooze and instead of abandoning my four mile run I ran three miles. And if this comes to you twice it is because I thought I lost it when I logged in as me. :)

  12. It is all about making it part of life for me AND I am lucky to belong to a 24 hour gym.... I make sure to work it in some way.. but YES, not the all or nothing!

  13. I think joining an online fitness challenge is an excellent idea! I am doing 2 right now for the month of December and have a new DietBet starting January 6th to keep people focused during the cold months. I love online challenges.

  14. I do not treat the holidays like special days! Every day is the same to me, so I am going to WORK OUTTTTT!!! :) Working out keeps me SANE... Well, sane for me! LOL!

  15. My best running friend is keeping me on track this year - she shows up at my house at 6am ready to go and doesn't take no or I'm too tired as an excuse :(

  16. Great tips! Recently I have read the study, which stated the expert opinion about the basic things helping you in getting quick results. For myself, I would highlight the importance of proper recovery, which is often underestimated; and providing your body with sufficient nutrients. Supplements play very important role, since you will hardly consume all necessary compounds with your everyday meals. I am taking Super Army Formula by Military Grade. This supplement contains natural compounds, like siberian ginseng extract and caffeine. My trainings become more tough and intense. My body eagerly responds to harder exercises, so I can take maximum from each of my workouts.

  17. Thanks for the tips - the holidays can be so tough!


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