A few weeks back I was nominated for a Liebster Blog Award by Jamie, at Rise Run Repeat Mom… I first started reading Jamie’s blog when she was writing about kettle bell workouts and do enjoy it immensely.
What is a Liebster award? You might be wondering...
The word liebster is a German word meaning sweetheart, dearest or beloved and then applied to blogs that one likes.
Thank you, Jamie, for the nomination!
There are a few rules that come with this nomination:
- Add the award icon onto your blog
- link your nominator and say thank you
- post 11 random things about yourself
- answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you
- nominate 11 bloggers (and let them know)
- post 11 new questions to the bloggers you nominate
You all know that I am terrible at coming up with these random things about myself so I am going to to jump to answering Jamie’s 11 questions…
11 questions for Jamie's nominees: 1. What's your favorite reality TV show?
The Biggest Loser is my ONLY reality TV show. I think it was so much better this last season.
2. Do you play an instrument?
Piano, accordian, and I pluck at the guitar and mandolin a little.
3. Have you ever broken a bone?
Yes, a small one on the outside of my foot but darned if I can remember if it was the left or the right as it was so long ago.
4. Are you scared of bugs?
Not afraid, but not particularly enamoured of them either.
5. What is is your favorite movie?
It has always been Ghost with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore, but Life of Pi is pretty darned spectacular.
6. Do you like to cook?
I do! That is why I write a second blog called We can begin to feed…
7. Do you have any pets? If yes, how many and what kind?
Not at the moment. In the past I have loved dogs, cats, fish, turtles, guineau pigs and hamsters.
8. What is your favorite job?
Tending my balcony garden maybe.
9. Are you afraid of the dark?
Nope, but I have never spent any scary or tense time in the dark.
10. Have you ever travelled to another country?
Many times to the U.S. and Mexico. Also Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Austria and Holland.
11. If you run, do you enjoy running in the rain?
I don’t mind running in a warm rain but cannot honestly cross the line to ‘enjoying’ it.
Now I know that many many of you have also already received this nomination… so I am not going to tap anyone in particular… but if you would like to answer the following questions, I would love to read the answers! Please let me know if you do.
- Where is your favorite place to run?
- Do you travel to take part in running or fitness events?
- Name one thing you never leave home without.
- What is your favorite piece of workout gear?
- Do you think music enhances your workouts?
- What is your favorite food?
- Is there any food you don’t allow yourself for health reasons that you would really like to have?
- What was your best friend’s first name when you were a kid?
- Oranges or apples?
- Favorite color to wear?
- Best vacation ever?
Fun q's! 2. I have traveled for races before. 3. I never leave home without lip balm. I go into a panic if I don't have it:) 5. love to run with music! 8. best friend's first name was Kelley. she was actaully my maid of honor and we have lost touch. don't know anything about her anymore:( 9. oranges 10. I love pink! 11. lots of great vacations, but probably kauai for my 10th anniversary was pretty amazing:) I love that you play the accordian!
ReplyDeleteI feel like i learn something new every time I read one of these! Warm rains have to be my favorite too!
ReplyDeleteLOVE this & reading others!!! I am not a fan of doing this myself since I am pretty boring! :) Learned a lot !!! :)
ReplyDeletePS: I watch other reality shows but not super stupid ones. I was glad to see TBL a bit back to what it was ion the beginning. I was thinking of not watching it after the past few seasons...
I LOVE THIS!!!! I am sooooo obsessed with questionnaires, no joke -- and I love reading others answers! :)
ReplyDeleteHere are mine:
1) Where is your favorite place to run? Outside OR the treadmill -- both work for me
2) Do you travel to take part in running or fitness events? No, but I would!
3) Name one thing you never leave home without. My cell phone!
4) What is your favorite piece of workout gear? iPod! Gotta have my music:)
5) Do you think music enhances your workouts? ab-so-lutely!
6) What is your favorite food? Trick question -- I love ALL food (well... "clean food" that is ;)
7) Is there any food you don’t allow yourself for health reasons that you would really like to have?
8) What was your best friend’s first name when you were a kid?
9) Oranges or apples? I'm OBSESSED with cuties right now!
10) Favorite color to wear? Hmmm.. blk/wht?
11) Best vacation ever? Yikes -- that's hard! I'll say all my 4th of July trips to Whitefish, MT because those are priceless memories!
Great questions Elle! & CONGRATS on the Liebster Award!
I love these! It's so fun to learn interesting facts about people. You already know I'm a Biggest Loser fan too and I agree that this season was much better than the last one. It's probably one of my favorite seasons of all. I love the kids!