Monday, April 8, 2013

Starting Strong in Week 2 #bestbodybootcamp

I am so excited about Tina Reale’s Best Body Bootcamp.


This opportunity could not have come at a better time for me.  I was looking for something new take the place of my noon-hour group exercises classes after my gym membership expired the third week in March. I knew it needed to be something organized and purposeful.  For years now I have been doing strength workouts that I find online, and on DVDs, in a willy-nilly fashion, and as much as I enjoy them, I wanted a more defined program cause I want to see some real results!

I started gaining some strength and getting  back some muscle definition in my upper body with the Body Pump and yoga classes, and really did not want to lose that… but to progress and see even MORE.

So when I read that Tina offered to give away some spots in the 5th round of her Best Body Bootcamp, I entered the contest immediately and was so happy to learn that I had won one.

I have no intention of wasting this wonderful opportunity!

Bootcamp began on Monday, April 1st.  I participated in the Week 1 workouts with enthusiasm and gusto… and the commitment to completing them all kept me on track …. even on Friday… when I had such a busy day that I didn’t get to my workout till after 8:15 p.m.  Any other time I would have just said ‘forget it’ and spent the evening otherwise engaged and in a much more leisurely fashion.

But I wanted to get it done. I wanted to be able to say that I did it.  And I found out that I really like working out in the evening… now I cannot say I had the best sleep because of it, but the workout itself was thoroughly enjoyable, even if very difficult.  After I finished it my arms and shoulders were shaky and I was elated and felt strong and satisfied.

So I am happy to report that I did get in all of the week’s scheduled workouts, did lots of walking on the weekend, and met both my goals of drinking 8 cups of water and eating no added sugar, all 7 days.  I am sure that taking part in Laura’s sugar detox challenge and being on another Whole30 paleo challenge helped me there, too.

Yesterday, in anticipation of starting Week 2 today,  I got out my weekly planner and pencilled in the workouts for this week and reviewed the exercises I would be doing today.  I also  decided on two goals for this week - the first is to continue with the 8 cups of water per day, and the other is to limit my evening snack to before 9 p.m.  Sometimes a bit later than that I just want a little something, and I know it is likely not a good idea for me to eat that close to bedtime.

Knowing that we were spending the day at the marina so The Captain would work on cleaning the boat, I got up an hour early and did my  scheduled strength workout before breakfast… and then later while he swabbed the deck I got in a 60 minute power walk before lunch and then a 100 minute power walk after lunch.  Yowzers!  My calves were very sore as I slowly strolled down the dock to the boat as I completed my second session, only to find he wasn't ready for coffee break till I towelled off the just-washed cockpit seats. It felt sooooo good to finally sit down.

I am really looking forward to a long epsom salts soak later.

Can my commitment and enthusiasm for this program last?  I have been known to be a bit fickle in my past so stay with me… I will keep you updated.


  1. Wow! It sounds like you're on a roll.

    I am excited to do the next round of BBB, after my marathon is over. I've read so many great reviews!

  2. Way to stick with what sounds like a tough program. I love having that extra motivation! And I just read somewhere that exercising at night can actually help you sleep. I can't remember the evidence behind it, but I liked the idea since I can't fit in runs until after dark sometimes. But it always seems to keep me awake longer!:)

  3. BBB is TOUGH so far, but I am loving it as well!

  4. Congratulations on winning a spot in BBB! Hope you enjoy it.

  5. I have no doubt you will survive & thrive! :)

  6. So cool that you won the entry! I loved the 2 rounds of bootcamp that I did. Not only did I see results, but I also learned a huge library of exercises that I can pull out on my own.

    Keep up the good work!

  7. GOo luck sticking with it--I think you'll do great!

  8. GOo luck sticking with it--I think you'll do great!

  9. Way to get in all the workouts Elle! This type of thing motivates me too:) I love taking on a challenge and sticking to it! Nice work:)


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