Monday, January 26, 2015

Gigabody Review and Giveaway

I am an at-home exerciser.  Although I have had temporary month-long gym memberships from time to time, and enjoy the group exercise classes I attend during those times, I prefer working out at home.  It is so much more convenient for me.  And I do like the privacy and convenience as well.

I like to vary my workouts, too.  I have joined online boot camps, and I own a small library of workout DVDs.  I have used workalong videos produced by some of my fellow bloggers who are trainers and I have used plans I find in books.  I have also subscribed to online workout sites.  So, I was very happy to have been given the opportunity to try out Gigabody through my affiliation with Sweat Pink…  and even happier that I am able to offer a free one-month subscription to the service to one of you.

Gigabody Screen 5

Gigabody is an online subscription service that has over 90 different workouts in several different categories:
  • Cardio 
  • Strength & Sculpt 
  • Yoga 
  • Kickbox & Box 
  • Dance & Barre 
  • Flexibility 
  • Abs & Core 
At only $8.99 per month, I think it is a really good value. 

There are many ways to find a workout you might like to try.  You can search through them based on the length of time they take to perform, the category they fall into, the level of difficulty assigned, or by collections… based on style.  You can even look for a training plan that will give you a schedule of workouts based on your preferences.

If you hover your mouse over the name of a particular workout, a small screen pops up giving you some pertinent details about it… the length of time it takes, the equipment you will need, the level of difficulty, the instructor, and a brief description of the workout.

Gigabody Screen 3

Then, if you are interested, you can preview the workout, too. I love this feature because it gives you a feel for the pacing and kinds of movements performed in the workout and you can hear the instructor’s voice. That is important to me. I will not do a workout if I don’t care to watch or listen to the instructor leading it. You can also read other member’s reviews.

Gigabody Screen 1

And there are many different instructors leading the Gigabody workouts too.  Check out their bios if you like.

Gigabody Screen 2

After you have done a workout, you can leave a review of it for other users of the Gigabody site, and you can also mark it as a Favorite so you can easily find it again.

And once you have logged in and done a few of the workouts, your Home page shows the number of workouts you have done, the length of time you have worked out, and lists the workouts that you have recently viewed.

There is one other thing I really like about this site. It has a few short tutorial videos that demonstrate the correct way to perform some exercises. I have found this very helpful.  The Captain has started working out with me and this is a great way for me to introduce him to some of the moves he is not familiar with… I can show him the correct way, offered by a fitness professional, as opposed to demonstrating it for him myself... perhaps incorrectly.

Gigabody Screen 4

If you are interested in a free one-month subscription to Gigabody so you can try it out for yourself, please enter the giveaway below:

There is only one mandatory entry to get you into the draw… and then you can enter as many or as few of the other methods as you like in order to get additional entries. Use the Rafflecopter form for all entries and leave your required comment here.


The giveaway will run until Monday February 2nd, 2015  at 11:59 p.m. PST and I will announce a winner the next day and I will attempt to contact the winner by email and/or by Twitter.  Good luck to you.

What is your favorite workout style?

Have you ever used an online services such as this?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Tiux Performance Compression Socks Review and Giveaway

When I first learned about Tiux Compression Socks I was very excited to give them a try.  You all know I do love compression gear and have been looking for a pair of socks that will not only fill my athletic needs, but also my day to day needs, and not cost an arm and a leg.  I want socks that are warm and comfortable,  that will stand up to day to day wear and lots of washing, and that are easy to pull on and off.

 I have found them! 

I was really happy when I received a pair of Tiux compression socks to try out and review… happier still now that they have offered to give a pair to one of my readers as well. I always love to share good things with my friends.

The first test I put these Tiux socks through was an all-day shopping trip. I pulled them on at 9 a.m. and walked most of the day on concrete and concrete-covered tile floors. I didn’t take remove the socks until about 10 p.m. that evening and that is when I first noticed I was wearing them on the wrong feet!    Hahaha…

Jan 6 Tiux toes 001

I don’t think I have ever had socks that were marked L and R before and I was quite amused… but honestly, when I did wear them on the correct feet the next time out… they did fit better!

Tiux toes 002

I wore them to work under a pair of black dress pants… and again, I had them on for about 12 hours straight.  For a girl who loves to be in bare feet, it is a real compliment to the socks that I don’t want to rip them off as soon as I walk in the door from my outing.

And yes, I have worn them to run in, and also to workout in, and for long walks, too.  Actually, they have pretty much become my go-to socks because they are so cozy and soft.  Usually after a run or a day of walking, my legs feel heavy and tired, are swollen, and I often have muscle cramps during the night…  but not since I have been wearing these Tiux socks every day.

The toes have no annoying seams… they are thicker underfoot, and they are just the right amount of snug for support in the ankles, calves and shins.  They are not so tight that I have to fight with them getting them on or off, and they are not so long that I have too much fabric to deal with after I have pulled them up.  I have a fairly long leg-line and they fit very well.

So how does Tiux keep the cost down?  Well, they are an online only company.  They deal directly with the consumer.

That’s right!  Only $35 USD per pair and they currently have 3 fun color combinations, too.  The free shipping applies to Canadian and U.S. orders and with no minimum amount.  Awesome.

Tiux Performance Compression Sock Features
Design Features
  1. Wide top band for comfort.
  2. Calf support and stabilization.
  3. Achilles tendon protection to prevent blistering and irritation.
  4. “Y” heel for contoured perfect fit.
  5. Padded footbed provides cushion and shock absorption.
  6. Seamless toe for maximum comfort.
  7. Breathable mesh instep to keep your feet cool and dry.
    • Graduated compression (20-25 mmHg) to increase blood circulation.
    • Constructed with premium technical fabrics for superior moisture management and breathability.
    • 200 thread count for ultimate durability,comfort and fit.
    • Left and right anatomical design.
  • Enhance performance by accelerating blood flow to provide more oxygen to your muscles, while flushing out metabolic wastes.
  • Reduce muscle fatigue and damage by minimizing muscle vibration.
  • Recover faster and improve muscle repair with increased blood circulation.
  • Prevent blood pooling in the feet.

And just in case you are interested Tiux has a program they call Tiux 1% and here is what they have to say about it.

"At Tiux, it’s important for us to look for ways to make a positive difference. That’s why we’ve partnered with MAG (Mines Advisory Group) and will donate 1% of our revenue to help save lives and protect communities from landmines, unexploded ordnance (UXO) and other weapons remaining after conflict. This means that 1% of every purchase will go towards providing a safe and secure future for men, women and children affected by violence and conflict.

About MAG
MAG is a non-governmental organization that has worked in more than 40 countries since 1989, to save lives and build futures by:
  • Reclaiming land contaminated with remnants of conflict, such as landmines, cluster munitions, bombs, shells and mortars.
  • Finding ways to reduce the daily risk of death or injury for civilians.
  • Creating safe and secure conditions for development, free from armed violence.  "
So what do you think?  Would you like to try a pair of Tiux Performance Compression Socks yourself?  Tiux is managing the giveaway through the following form, and will be contacting the winner directly.  Enter as many ways as you like.

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You may wish to contact the owner of this site about other Competitions.

So, what color would you choose if you win?

A big congratulations to Erin E!  Hope you love your Tiux Performance Compression Socks too!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Keeping On…

So it wasn’t the best week fitness-wise… I didn’t do any strength training work at all, but did get in a lot of walking, and three runs.  That is a lot for me lately. My week revolved around my part time job with Weight Watchers, shopping, food prep and more food prep!  I am doing pretty well with my food plan too.

I have been actively participating in a January 21 Day Reset Challenge hosted by Laura from Mommy Run Fast.  Some of the exercises Laura has us doing is making me much more mindful of my eating patterns and hunger levels. It's all good.

I need to get back on the strength training wagon with a vengeance this next week. I really miss it when I don’t do it and I enjoy it so much.

Here are a few highlights from the week:

Jan 13 Cauliflower and Elevate Me 001

We found these beautiful fresh cauliflowers on sale for a great Winter-time price so picked up 4 of them. I made a batch of soup with one of them, a version of The Big Man’s World Easy Slow Cooker Vegetable Korma (without the almond meal) with another.  Little aside here… it is very hot so if you are not into spicy hot, then don’t use more than about 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes. I used only half of what his recipe calls for and it is burning hot!  But really tasty.   And today I am making two batches of my Low-Carb Flatbread with the last two heads. Love, love,LOVE cauliflowers and how versatile they are.

Jan 13 Cauliflower and Elevate Me 002\

A couple of weeks ago I won a giveaway hosted by Janelle at Wholly Healthy and a box of assorted Elevate Me bars arrived this week.  These are awesome and I am thrilled that they are made in Canada.

Jan 13 Manitoba Pro powder and smoothie 001

When we were in Las Vegas in November, we visited the Health and Fitness Expo associated with the Rock ‘n Roll Las Vegas race series. The Captain picked up several packets of Manitoba Harvest protein powders. YAY!  Another Canadian company. I happen to really like hemp protein powder… not his favorite as it turns out, so all the more for me.   I made up a tropical smoothie with this packet for my breakfast. It was lovely.  But as with all things that have hemp protein, it turned brown!

Jan 13 Manitoba Pro powder and smoothie 002

Never pretty, but very tasty all the same.

Pumpkin Waffles

I have been playing with my new waffle iron a lot this week and came up with this lovely Pumpkin Waffle this morning.  I let them cook a bit longer so they had some crunch to the edges. Pretty good, I would say.

I have been having lots of fun with the Sweat Pink #NoExcuses 2015 Challenge this week.  Lots of great pictures on Instagram and Facebook are showing up... join in if you are looking to have a bit of fitness/great eating fun!

Rumor has it there is a Fit Bit in my future… if you have one, or another activity/sleep tracker, I would love if if you would tell me about it!

Do you have a grain-free waffle recipe that you like?  Care to share?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Fit Approach #NoExcuses 2015 Challenge for Elle

Today I’m sharing my #NoExcuses for 2015 as part of the Fitapproach Challenge. Check out this Mad Lib that I filled out!
no excuses fit approach

Hey 2015, it’s me Elle.

This year I would like to have more fun with my fitness actitivities and food plans… to enjoy it all more and not get so wrapped up in taking it all too seriously.

It would also be super-duper awesome if I also did the camel pose this year. It’s not a resolution, though, just a reminder to myself to try and have the best year yet because I want to be more flexible.

The thing I am looking forward to most this year is travelling with The Captain.

I’ll use the one thing that truly gets me out of bed in the morning which is my amazing husband to help me get up, get caffeinated and get after my #NoExcuses 2015.

Speaking of excuses (ahem), my very favorite excuse is my part time job as well as writing two blogs and I have used it to get out of doing the dishes and cleaning the bathroom on more than many occasions.

I vow to move my body and be more healthy this year even if it means I have to get up earlier.

Even if my alarm clock gets eaten by the dog in the middle of the night, I’ll still wake up naturally, bright and chipper and refreshed.  

I will stop blaming him for drinking the rest of the red wine when everyone knows it was really me.

My tight quads are not the reason I make excuses. I will show my quads who’s boss this year and get my flexibility on.

I know that stretching is better than not working out at all.

I will reward myself by getting in some road time and visiting some neighboring towns.

No Excuses 2015 has just begun and already I am imagining myself a winner. I can’t wait to rock a hoodie from Augusta Active. I can’t wait till my sweaty friends are jealous of how fresh, clean and shiny  I am between workouts with help from ShowerPill body wipes. I can see myself rocking camel pose in new Tie One On Leggings from Actio926 and looking fit and fly while doing it. And of course, I’ll be taking my workouts to the next level and improving my posture with my new ActivMotion Bar to help me train for my next  5km race withSasquatch Racing.

Oh, and let’s not forget how amazing my tank top will smell in my / during my yoga class after washing with some WIN Detergent. And lastly, I’ll keep rocking my 2015 with clean eats and nutrition from Beaming with Health!

Tag, Tweet, shout-out, call, text, fax or email 3 friends to take this survey and share how they will have a #NoExcuses 2015. Remind your friends to simply fill in the underlined parts!

Three friends:

Christy at My Dirt Road Anthem

Marcia at Marcia's Healthy Slice

Sara at Words to Run By

And a big thank you to Anna at Piper's Run for tagging me!  You can read her #NoExcuses 2015 Challenge post HERE.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday Run Day

We had a great week of workouts. There were 3 strength training sessions, some yoga, and lots of walking.  I am still using the Gigabody online workout video service.  I had planned to run on Saturday afternoon but it just didn’t happen.

However, I couldn’t let the weekend go by without logging at least a short run, so instead of our usual lazy Sunday morning routine, we had breakfast, waited a short while, and then headed out.  I was dying to try out my new Tiux compression socks.  It was a bit cool this morning, only about 6°C and gloomy, and the ground is wet from last night’s rain so it was not very inviting…  but at least the wind wasn’t blowing and I knew there would be lots of dogs in the park.  That is always a bonus for me.

I put on way too much gear… capris over my compression socks… a Tommie Copper tank, then a Tommie Copper long sleeved shirt, then a New Balance long sleeved shirt and then a running room jacket… a headband, some gloves and my running shoes.  Wow!  Half way through I ditched the headband and the gloves and tied the jacket around my waist… I always wear too much clothing but I hate being cold!

It was a fun 5 km run around the park and along the Strait today… lots of big dogs playing in the wet grass and lots of other runners out too. I saw one young woman in shorts and a tank top.  Yikes!  I am always suprised by how people can expose their bare arms and shoulders in these lower temperatures.

After we came in, we drank some DRIP DROP, had a good stretch and then I made us some protein shakes and we shared a banana.  Oh yeah.  I mixed my chocolate Vega One with some hot cofee and when I shook it, it sort of exploded and sprayed all over the kitchen counter and the wall!  Was it the heat from the coffee?  That has never happened to me before.  Nice mess to clean up.

But now I can enjoy the rest of  my Sunday morning in the typical manner… being lazy and planning the rest of the week.

What are you up to today?

Do you start out cool weather runs in too much clothing too?

Friday, January 9, 2015

Fun in ‘15… Waffle Egg-ffle

When we moved onto the sailboat in 2001, I gave up most of my small kitchen appliances, keeping only a small hand mixer on board... either giving away or leaving for the new owners, all of the other electric gadgets except the pasta maker.  It went into a box, along with some prized personal keepsakes that friends stored for us in their garage.

Now, all these years later, and after becoming landlubbers again a couple of years ago, I now have acquired a very few more electric appliances… a coffee maker, a crock pot, a new hand mixer, a kettle, a food processor, a can opener (don’t get me started!)… only things that we reallly need to function on a day in day out basis.

But, I have sorta been wanting a waffle iron… I miss waffles and even though I do not eat gluten, I have been thinking about trying to come up with some gluten free waffle options.  But I just couldn't justify getting one… and then, about a week or so ago, I ran across a Facebook post by Larissa Archer Dixon, blogger at Zero To Twenty Six Point Two, about making omelets in her waffle iron.  She called them egg-ffles, I think.  I followed that thread and was quite intrigued.

Actually, that conversation pushed my off the fence.  After several days of searching and looking at reviews online, I found a very inexpensive waffle iron at Great Canadian Superstore… it is their house brand and only cost $12.  I picked it up immediately.  For $12 if it was horrible or didn’t work, I could affort to ditch it, right?

2015-01-06 14.56.34

And I decided to try the omelets for dinner that night.  I couldn't find that original Facebook thread so I put out a call for help on Facebook to Larissa who answered me right way. I think she may have been a bit amused by all the fuss… but she told me how to prep my eggs and make the egg-fles and so we had omelets with chopped ham for dinner on Wednesday night.  Awesome!

2015-01-07 18.17.44

And then again for breakfast this morning… this time with chopped onions and mushrooms.

2015-01-09 09.26.31

2015-01-09 09.32.52

I know I still need to play with this all a bit to make them picture-worthy… but I couldn’t wait to share.  They are delicious and make eating eggs a bit more fun again…. I am all about FUN this year. 

So, thank you , Larissa for giving me the inspiration I needed to get me a waffle iron, and now I need to start experimenting with some ingredients to make some gluten free waffles… Hmmm… protein powder… sweet potatoes… PB2…??

If you have any ideas, I am open to suggestions!

Are you a waffle fan?

Do you use social media to ask for help and advice, too?

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ah, Reflections and Plans

l really love Sundays. 

Sunday is my favorite day of the week.  It always starts out slow and relaxed… jammies and coffee and email and puzzles.  The Captain reads his papers.  We chat idly and comment on people and pooches walking past our windows.

Then, after a leisurely breakfast,  I look back at the previous week to think about how it went… what I liked, what I didn’t, and what I might have done differently... even what I might want to do again. This is a relatively new exercise for me as I have always had a tendency to just discard the past and look forward, but I have come to realize that I actually can learn from past actions and decisions if I let myself.

I started out the New Year last Sunday with with some some definite goals.  I planned to track my eats on my Weight Watchers mobile app, and to follow an exercise/workout schedule that I mapped out, using some videos from an online service I am trying out called Gigabody.  And I am happy to report that I followed through on both.

  • full body strength workout
  • after dinner brisk 35 minute walk
  • lower body workout followed by a brisk 35 minute walk
  • 5 km run followed by a 5 minute stretch
  • upper body workout followed by 20 minutes of yoga/stretching
  • brisk 45 minute walk

All in all a pretty good week to start the New Year!

A couple of pictures to share:

2015-01-01 11.21.06

I put on my brightest gear to head out on New Year’s Day for our 5 km run.  Bright pink socks and capris and blue running shoes and tee.  It was my way of celebrating because I was happy to be runnning 5 km… it had been many months since I ran that far.

Jan 1 205 NY dinner 004

Our first dinner of the New Year was a seafood feast.  We cooked lobster tails and prawns, and I made a crab dip as well. I do so miss all of the fresh crab we used to catch almost daily when we lived on the sailboat.  Mmmmm.

Now I am going to to move on to making plans for the upcoming week.  I need to juggle my work schedule with our social calendar and then pencil in workouts and runs. And check the weather report too!

And I am also excited for Laura’s 21 Day January Reset Challenge, which officially starts tomorrow… but for me it starts today.  Sunday, of course!  I am quite excited to to take part in this new challenge and join in the FB group that Laura as set up as well.  I like the accountability of the group and know this 'detox' will be good for me.

Time to get  moving…

What went well for you last week?

What are you excited about this coming week?

Friday, January 2, 2015

And The First One is in the Books

We actually slept in a bit on New Year’s Day and then enjoyed a leisurely morning lingering over breakfast and coffee.  There was a definite nip in the air with some ice on the surface of the lake in the park across the street. This happens so seldom I had to snap a picture.

Jan 1 2015 ice on the lake 002

At about 11 a.m. we decided it was time to get moving and put on our running gear to head out for our first 5km run of the year.  Actually, it was our first 5 km run in several months. All of our runs over the past many months have been between 3.35 km and 4 km… easy loops around the park and along the waterfront .  But I wanted to log my run for the 5 by the 5th challenge because it is supposed to be a rainy week here and I am not enthused at all about the prospect of running in the rain.

Little update here... Laura just reminded me that 5 by the 5th is not starting till February!  Oh well....

So, I donned my brightest running gear… pink Tommie Copper capris, pink Pro Compression socks, my blue Mizuno kicks and a blue Tommie Copper shirt… drank some DRIP DROP, and then I added several layers on top, along with gloves and a head band, before setting out.  I am such a wimp when it comes to being cold… it is hard for me to recall what it felt like running outside in the snow and well-below freezing temps where we used to live in the interior.

2015-01-01 11.21.06

I made sure to run at a snail’s pace – I wanted this 5km to feel really easy so I would be encouraged to do more of them, and to start lengthening the distance again soon.  And it was easy… it took 38 minutes and 15 seconds to complete.  Hey, it can only get better from here!  And stopping to pet a Newfoundlander pup along the way may have added a few seconds, too.

We came in and stripped off our sweaty gear before having several glasses of water and doing a good long stretch.  The first run of the year is done.  YAY!

How did you start the New Year?

Have you entered the 5 by the 5th challenge this year?