Saturday, March 17, 2012

Checklist for St. Paddy’s Day

  • Irish Beef Stew simmering in the Crock Pot √
  • 6 mile run √
  • Stretch √
  • Chocolate milk and banana recovery snack √
  • Epsom salts bath √
  • Brown Irish Soda Bread baking in the oven √
  • Amber O’Doulls chilling in the fridge √

Now I can relax!

And at dinner time…
March 17 dinner 004


  1. That looks like one of my favorite kind of meals..beef. mmm comfort food.

    Hope you had a great St Paddy's day!

  2. yum! Looks so good! Happy St. Paddy's!

  3. Yummy, what a great St. Patrick's Day!


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