Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sneaky Secret Gym Pictures Appear on Fitness Blogs... What Do You Think?

I am about to do something that I haven't done before... use my blog as a place to make a personal statement about something I see happening that is really bothering me a lot.

Normally, I am very positive, and stay away from controversial issues... don't tell people what to do or how to do it. Heck, I don't even leave negative comments on other people's posts. If I don't like what you are writing, I just back out and quit reading. Your blog is a place where you share yourself, your opinions, your thoughts and no one should tell you what to post there.

But this is something I think is really mean-spirited and dishonest, and I have to speak up. I woke up at 3 a.m. this morning with this on my mind.  If I don't blog about it today and get it off my chest, that is likely to happen again.

So, what is this behavior that has me so jazzed today?

It's this...  3 times over the past couple of weeks, I have read blog posts where the writer has taken a secret, sneaky picture of someone at their gym, doing something that they find amusing, or annoying, or silly... and posted it on their blog with an anecdote about it, and then admitting that they know they shouldn't have done it but they just couldn't help themselves.  They had to share it on their blog.

One blogger even talked about how her husband advised her not to do post the picture because she would take a lot of flak about it from other bloggers, but she didn't care... she had to do it.

You DON'T have to do it.  In my opinion, it is a horrible breach of privacy.  

I am not a regular gym goer.  I prefer the convenience and privacy of working out at home.  But I have many friends who frequent various gyms and exercise studios of all kinds, and it really irks me, and all of them that I have spoken to about this topic, that they might be subject to having sneaky, secret photos taken, and then distributed on blog posts and other social media.

Actually. the local gym that I did attend for a month this past Spring actually had signs all over the facility about just this thing... I cannot recall the exact wording but the gist of them was that: 


It never occurred to me that there might be a problem.  One staff member there that I chatted with about it, after first noticing a few signs and commenting on the positive, reassuring tone of them, told me that they had never had any complaints from members and that everyone seemed happy with the policy.  Good news.

So, if your gym doesn't have that policy, you might ask them why not.

I know that the bloggers whose posts I read and found so distasteful are not readers of my blog, and are likely never to see my little rant or care what I think if they do... but for those of you, I do reach, I would really like your opinion about this subject.  Perhaps I am making a fuss over nothing.

And here's another thought... I just found out that today is World Kindness Day... how appropriate!

What do you think about sneaky secret pictures being taken in the gym and then posted on social media?

Do you think that people should expect some privacy in the various facilities at the gym?

Would you take pictures in the gym or be okay with another person snapping a pic of you?


  1. Somehow (and thankfully), I missed this recent trend. We have a well-signed policy in our gym about taking photos too. We're so strict about it, that several times when I've taken photos, or had videos shot of myself, I've ended up not posting them because I couldn't edit another patron out of the view (darn people, getting in the way of my blog post demo's…).

    And even worse than posting the pics is the negative commentary. Thanks for bringing this up. I wanna share!

  2. That's awful! Like people aren't self conscious enough at the gym now we have to be looking over our shoulder! Thanks for sharing!

  3. thanks for posting this because it did make me think twice. i've never posted a picture like that on my blog but i am guilty of taking a picture like that and texting it to a friend with commentary like "oh god look at her outfit" or "look at her awful form". i need to be compassionate and think about how i'd feel if it were me being made fun of. have you ever seen that section in "cosmo" mag called "bitch it out"? people send in those pictures with commentary all the time! definitely perpetuates that it's ok.

  4. Wow, I have not seen anyone do this, but it seems so mean spirited. :( I think it's awful, when I go to the gym, I feel a comradery with everyone there. We are all there to better ourselves, push ourselves, do something good for ourselves. I cannot imagine someone taking pictures and criticizing or saying anything negative. That sucks. Now, I would probably be a little annoyed if taking pics were not allowed at all b/c I like to whip out my phone and take a shot of the TM when I'm done so I can record my speed and I've been known to take a sweaty selfie while sitting on the floor stretching after I run...or the view out the window from my treadmill that overlooks a lake...but I would NEVER take a photo of someone else. Wow.

  5. That is not cool, I agree. My gym has a no photos allowed policy so I even limit things I may take for myself, like treadmill images etc. But I go out of my way to make sure not one other person is captured in my image. I don't want them there even if I can edit them out. It is wrong. And I have only done that a handful of times for images I could only get at the gym.

    I have also seen a couple doing pictures at the gym but I could tell it was for a purpose as the lady was taking awesome poses of her husband doing very cool things that required an immense amount of skill.

    But back to your point, what is the point of sharing an image of someone else without their consent? I don't see how that could be done with respect in any way, shape, or form. People go to the gym to do something positive and to make themselves feel better. There is enough comparisions and stress in life. Let the people at the gym be safe and workout without worries they may be on someone else's blog.

  6. Thats sad!!! Being made fun of is one reason why many people stay away from the gym!! The majority of those who are having their picture taken, probably are not aware of it, BUT, if someone wouldve done that to me, I wouldve walked out without saying anything and never went back. Sadly, the people who take those photos probably have a low self esteem, and think that 'bashing' others will make themselves feel better.
    It reminds me of the 'Walmart pictures' that are posted. I agree some are disgusting, but why post them?

  7. I've missed these posts as well. It wouldn't occur to me in my wildest dreams to take a pic of a stranger without their consent. And then to judge and poke fun? Wow.

  8. I don't go to a gym anymore but if I did I sure would like to feel like no snarky photos would surface anywhere if I did something someone else wanted to make fun of. Great post and a great reminder we should be lifting each other up not tearing each other down. I have quit reading several blogs because they were just too snarky for me and I like a little sarcasm but the constant tearing other people down is just too sad.

  9. Oh my goodness! I think that it is a HORRIBLE breach of privacy and total show of disrespect to secretly photograph someone, post it, and then make fun of it! I never realized anything like this was an issue, but absolutely I think that folks should be allowed their privacy at the gym and I am going to be more cautious of others now when I go to the gym. Thanks for posting about this topic. Never mind that the offenders may not see this post in particular; it is definitely worth it just to spread the awareness!

  10. I don't go to the gym any more, but I would never take a pic of someone and post it on my blog, unless I have their permission and it's something good, like a cute workout outfit or something. I feel silly just taking a picture of the treadmill that I am running on. I have blogged about people at the gym before, like a woman who always wore jeans when she worked out. That was more out of curiosity and comfort than anything else. I mean, how do you do squats in jeans?;) But I never took a pic.

  11. So wrong on so many levels. As a fitness professional who is not an employee of the gym I currently work out in, I have a hard time refraining from NOT stepping in to correct people who are doing exercises wrong...even almost dangerously wrong, because it's simply not my place. I talk about these people with my boyfriend (also a trainer, and we never do so in front of the person) but I can't even FATHOM taking a picture. That is so disrespectful :(

  12. I agree that it is disrespectful and a violation of those individual's privacy. People go to the gym and expect a safe and welcoming environment, no on should feel like they have to look over their shoulders or worry about what they are doing other then their workout.

  13. It's like bullying...your essentially making fun of someone else and getting hits on your blog for it. I really don't agree with taking pictures of anyone else but yourself. If your in a group, I still ask their permission to post the picture on my blog out of courtesy...I sure wouldn't want someone to put a picture of me online that I wasn't okay with - OR making fun of me.
    Heck, if they are at the gym they are already over coming a battle of just getting out of their house and making the effort to work out - leave 'em alone.

  14. It's like bullying...your essentially making fun of someone else and getting hits on your blog for it. I really don't agree with taking pictures of anyone else but yourself. If your in a group, I still ask their permission to post the picture on my blog out of courtesy...I sure wouldn't want someone to put a picture of me online that I wasn't okay with - OR making fun of me.
    Heck, if they are at the gym they are already over coming a battle of just getting out of their house and making the effort to work out - leave 'em alone.

  15. Elle, thank you so much for your post. I, like you, prefer working out in my home or outside for privacy as well as cleanliness. I cannot imagine people doing such a thing and I am so glad you had the courage to voice your thoughts.

  16. Thank you for this! I always respect others in the gym when I take pics of myself & I do work out when rarely anyone is around anyway BUT I would never do this! I have not seen this on other blogs thankfully that I read but it really should not be done - if you take a pic - get permission from the person & don't be mean - very poor taste!

  17. This is exactly why it took forever for me to find a day where I had the gym to myself and could take pictures of the layout. We don't have a photography policy at the gym but it's the kind of environment where the gym owner, an employee, trainer, or other member would walk right up to someone if they were taking pictures of random people. Oddly enough I've only even brought my phone into the gym twice. I'm there to sweat, not to play on my phone. It's sad that people feel the need to tear others down.

  18. This is exactly why it took forever for me to find a day where I had the gym to myself and could take pictures of the layout. We don't have a photography policy at the gym but it's the kind of environment where the gym owner, an employee, trainer, or other member would walk right up to someone if they were taking pictures of random people. Oddly enough I've only even brought my phone into the gym twice. I'm there to sweat, not to play on my phone. It's sad that people feel the need to tear others down.

  19. I'm not at the gym to look at other people. I am at the gym to get my work out in and focus on ME! Others who are snapping pictures clearly are NOT working out hard enough!

  20. I haven't seen this behavior, but I find it a bit abhorrent. Thanks for bringing it to our attention and for speaking out on it!

  21. Um, wow. Really? I had no idea and if I found out that happened to me, I'd be furious. If you have even a fleeting thought that you might be doing something wrong, chances are, you are.

  22. I figure, if you're at the gym you're already winning - we shouldn't be criticizing people's wardrobe choices, improper form, or whatever - they're there and that's a personal win that we shouldn't belittle. We're all at the gym to better ourselves. I workout at planet fitness and they have it plastered all over the place "judgement free zone" - I love that and it's one of the reasons we chose that gym.

  23. But if you aren't allowed to take pics, how can you show your readers the machine screen proving how far and fast you went for how long and, most importantly, how many calories you burned?

    I'm kidding. I've taken pics at the gym but not of people (except blurry ones once partly on accident). Respecting privacy is of primo importance.

  24. I completely agree! It's bullying at it's finest! :(

  25. You know what... when I'm at the gym, I'm too busy sweating to even bother much with others (unless I'm instructing that is!). Seriously, I notice people here and there, but for the most part I'm locked in on ME. I'm really disappointed by how judgmental and plain rude people have become these days. For the most part, I view my local gym as a safe-haven. Everyone is so nice there & encouraging of all fitness types. We've had a few bad apples - but those are usually the cranky old folks, meaning no harm; it's just how they come across... lol

  26. I can't believe people would do that! If I snap a photo of myself, I make sure no one else is in it OR it's someone I know and they don't mind. But to post a photo to be cruel....not okay!!!

  27. Thanks for speaking out on this. I agree that it is bullying and it speaks volumes about the women willing to put their names to this. It's also a sad sign of society how frequently this type of judgement and ridicule appears online.

  28. No you are right on track!! My gym has a no cell phone policy on the gym floor and locker room. I use mine for a timer but you aren't supposed to be taking pictures of other people who are out there working out!! Yes there are times when someone does something that I find odd but I would never post a picture of it on the internet!!!

  29. I agree that taking a picture of someone and belittling them or ridiculing them is rude and inappropriate. I know you took issue with the picture I took of someone's bag of chips, but honestly I don't think taking a picture of an object is inherently wrong. In hindsight, yes, maybe I shouldn't have taken the picture but it was not to criticize the person and in fact the person was not even really in the picture (just an arm that made its way in)! It was just to note that it was something I had never seen before! In fact, most comments about the chips were positive! People saying "good for that person for doing their own thing" and talking about how they wish they had the guts to snack while they workout because they often get hungry too! It wasn't to point out something negative....just share something unique! I would NEVER take a picture of someone to criticize, berate, or even discuss their form or looks or reasons for being in the gym. That is totally against my morals and values. I think the picture may have been taken a little too seriously in regards to this post...

  30. I totally agree with you that it's not appropriate and I'm glad you posted about it so that maybe others will be more cognizant of doing it without really thinking. I don't go to the gym, but I'd hate the thought of being there and someone possibly taking my picture to somehow tease me.

  31. I find it interesting that I ran across your post today (via the Lean Green Bean). First of all, I think it is horrible to post pictures of others and what they do in the gym on a blog. Secondly, I noticed yesterday that there was a girl in the locker room who had her ipad out and was walking around with it out like she was taking pictures or facetiming with someone. To make matters worse, there were other women in the locker room stripped down to the bare minimum while she was doing this. It had me wonder...was the girl snapping photos of them, of herself, or letting someone else see what was going on in the women's locker room? Just sick!
    Our gym has a sign that says "No cell phones beyond this point" but we don't have the one about cameras/ other devices. All of my music is stored on my cell, which is the only reason I use it for in the gym. It is strapped to an arm band and doesn't come off for anything until I am in my car. Thanks for posting this. Someone had to say it!


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