Friday, June 1, 2012

Shooting For the Moon in June

When I finished running my first half marathon on May 13th I was dehydrated and salt depleted in spite of having taken water at each fuel station and also drinking about 20 oz. of water with nuun during the race.

It was amazing to me how I could actually feel the water and electrolyte drink and salty chips I ate after the race working to restore my depleted reserves.  Over the several hours I was experiencing cramping and discomfort, I could feel myself getting better.  (Thank Goodness or I don't know how I would have been able to bear it.)

Since then I have become so much more interested in how what I am eating and drinking affects my body andI am paying much closer attention to the signals it is sending me and the way I am feeling. 

I am also making an effort to improve to the quality and nutrient content of the food I am eating.  I am eating less processed food and more whole foods, and I am drinking much more plain water.

So, for June, it is my intention to combine my new eating habits with some new workout commitments and monitor how I am feeling along the way.

I have decided that I am going to be running just for fun for a while, so I have no real goals to set there.. just want to get out and stretch the legs out once or twice a week. 

I am feeling a real need to focus on my strength training and core work as I pretty much let that all go during the last several weeks of  my half marathon training.

I cannot afford to do that!  I am tall and thin and really need to keep up with my resistance workouts to keep some muscle on my arms and to keep my butt and tummy toned.  The older I get the more work it takes.

Here is the calendar for the first week in June:

The Bellyblaster circuit on June 1st,  4th, and 6th is from Samantha who posts at Running Cupcakes.

Belly Blaster Circuit
Samantha offers a great explanation of each move on the original blog post  if you are interested in the details.  And you should be.  It is a tough core workout and I know it is going to do the job for me if I keep doing it because I am going to keep doing it.

My own strength workout on June 2 looks like this:

So there you have it...  the first week of June in my commitment to do a workout every day this month. 

Do you have any fitness goals for June?

Did you meet your May goals?

Any new activities on the horizon?


  1. looks like you have great goals ahead! I setup a pretty ambitious list but excited! The belly blaster looks fantastic!

  2. I've started adding some strength exercises to my routine also - mostly in preparation for the Warrior Dash, but also because my body really needs it:)

  3. I will NEVER drop strength again! I made the mistake of getting too caught up in cardio and mind you it will be more difficult when my runs get longer but we need strength to do any thing! and every thing! so I'm with you Elle - I cant afford to do that ;) lol

  4. Great plan Elle:) Working my abs is a goal for me in June and to do more strength work. Although I will have to keep up with my running too. Need to add in swimming in there somewhere:) Thanks for the ab workouts!

  5. June looks like it will be a great month for you! I'm always excited to hear what you have planned.


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