Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Because Some Asked…

A few people have asked how my Immunity Boosting Food Detox is going, and how I am feeling, so I thought I would share a bit more about it.

Since I started my regimen on Saturday morning I have been eating fruit, vegetables, lean meats, and eggs,  a bit of flax and I have also have had a bit of almond milk.  I am drinking gallons of water and green tea, and yes, I have had a few sips of coffee here and there. 

Each morning I wash and cut a fresh lime, and squeeze the juice into a glass, and then put the lime into it, and fill it with cold water. I drink that along with taking one of my Epicor gel caps.  Epicor is a supplement I cam currently trying.  After I drink that glassful I fill it up with cold water again and set it aside. Then I have a sip or two of coffee and my first green tea of the day.

Then I do my workout, drinking my lime water as I need to throughout the workout.  THEN I have breakfast.  By this time I have been up for about an hour and a half and have done a half hour workout so I am pretty hungry...

Today is my fourth day and I feel good… very energetic.  I have shed all the excess water I was retaining and this morning I woke up without any swelling in my legs and feet at all.  I am eating whenever I get hungry and not limiting the amount of the food I am eating.  I think, though, because I am eating such nutrient dense food, that I am actually eating less overall… and that makes sense to me.
I am eating a good variety of food…

May 11 eats 001
Breakfast is usually eggs… but I did make some hot flax ‘cereal’ for a change  of pace.

May 11 eats 002
Shredded chicken salad on lettuce wraps one day for lunch.

May 11 eats 005
Apple slices with cinnamon makes a good snack.

May 13 Kale salad with pork and orange 002
The massaged kale ended up making 3 different salads… this one with sliced pork loin and oranges.

The hardest part of this has been trying to come up with some suitable for afternoon snacks.  Lately I have been relying on nuts, or fruit with flax, hemp seeds, almond milk and almond butter all mixed together in a bowl… most of those things are off limits this week, (okay I snitched a couple of raw almonds yesterday) so I have been baking some ‘bites’… 

May 14 banana bites 001

These are just banana and egg white with a bit of cinnamon… baked in the oven. I have also done them with mashed sweet potato… so tasty, and the protein does tend to satisfy longer than fruit alone and keeps the blood sugar down too.

Overall, things are going well.  The plan is to eat this way for 7 – 10 days, and then do a one day juice and water fast to flush all the released toxins out… we’ll see how that all pans out when I get to that point!

I am not advocating that anyone follow this food detox, just reporting/recording my experience.

Have you ever done a detox of any kind?


  1. hmm interesting. I have never done a detox of any kind. I have a hard enough time eating healthy as it is, I think it would make me go overboard.

  2. Thank you for sharing! I think it can help people that are struggling or want to try something like this!

  3. That doesn't sound too bad! Now that you are a probably almost done, I am curious to hear how it went! PS Happy Birthday (tomorrow right?)


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