Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bring on September

I think the Summer has flown by way too quickly… and here we are already into the Labor Day long weekend.  I am not ready for Fall.  We have had such a glorious Summer on the West Coast… much drier and warmer than it has been for many years and I don’t want it to end!

Looking back over the past week I am quite pleased with my workouts. I strength trained 3 times, ran twice including some sprint work, did some walking, and lots of stretching.  I feel good and can see some muscles in my arms and legs.  Hurray for that!

Confession time though, hanging my head... I do know that I need to get more serious about cleaning up my diet.  I have been sliding off the Paleo/Primal slope and I can tell by the way I am feeling I need to get re-focussed.  I have been eating some junk and it is time to STOP.

I picked up this book at the library the other day and have decided to use it for the month of September. 

Aug 31 PUSH pics 001

When I first looked at it I was a bit put off by some of the language, but I decided to give it a second chance when Keri made a positive reference to it on FB… Chalene is very energetic and positive and I think it will be a good tool to help me get focussed and build some good habits.

There is also online support through 30 Day Push Challenge - check it out if you are interested, too.

So, bring on September… apparently I am READY!

Do you ever feel like September is the beginning of a new season for you too?

Any goals for the month?


  1. I'm ready to make some changes next week too, just haven't figured out what exactly!

    1. Sometimes I flounder a bit with that too... I must admit that I relish CHANGE just for the sake of it!

  2. I am just ready for some cooler weather!, so tired of being so hot. That said they are projecting a colder than normal winter and that doesn't thrill me either. I want some normal weather!,

  3. I love Chalene's attitude. It's what draws me to her workouts as well. The Push challenge has been good for me in ways I never expected! Good luck :)

    1. I haven't done any of her workouts so looking forward to a new perspective and some new moves, too!

  4. Summer did go by fast.

    I have never done any of Chalenes workout but I just love her positive quotes. Let us know how the book is. I may need to pick one up!


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