Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Put on the Shelf Till the Fall

Got in a brisk 40 minute walk to the library and back this morning before the rain started to fall.  I had a book on reserve that I have been interested in taking a look at.

It is called The 10-Pound Shred:  From Flab to Fit in 4 Weeks, by Tommy Europe.  He is a trainer who works out of Vancouver, BC.  One of the Canadian cable networks, Slice, carries two  television shows he has done.  One is called The Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp and the other is called Bulging Brides... both are about losing weight and inches, and getting fit, under his guidance.

He is a former football player turned personal trainer and is as tough as nails.  I love the tv shows and a friend of mine is working her way through the book so I thought I should have a look.

It has a suggested food plan (mostly clean eating and common sense) and also workouts for each of the 31 days it takes to work the program.  It is an easy read, and is very well illustrated.  And the exercises look quite rigorous and I am definitely interested... but, wow.  No room on the boat for most of these moves.  I am going to shelve it till we get into a house again in the Fall, and then have a go.


  1. I'd never heard of this trainer or this plan. Looks interesting!

  2. That looks really interesting. And wait a minute you live on a boat?

    I cannot wait to follow your food blog!! I haven't ever been able to pull up your blog in the past and am so excited I finally found you!

  3. Elle! You can swim!! How about leaving some free weights on the boat or get those stretchy bands? That's what I have on Brian's boat if I want to get in a different workout. Boating is a workout itself:)

  4. Yes, I do have some dumbbells on board and I am looking into some resistance bands now. Also row the dinghy when we are out at an anchorage. Thanks for the suggestions.


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